Monday, December 15, 2008

vets, meds, and baths

so, there is this nice place down the street that mister damien and lady jami like to take me to that they call a veterinarian. i really enjoy it there because they always give me treats and everyone loves me! daddy takes me every week and puts me on a scale so they can tell how much i grow, check out my chart! sometimes when we go i meet a nice lady called dr. shane. she checks my eyes and my ears and then they take me away and pinch me. mister damien says that the pinch is a shot, and that it helps me get big and strong. dr. shane asked daddy and mommy to give me medicine because i had an upset tummy. so every morning and every night they give me my medicine, it tastes so good!

we have also been working on 'hygiene'. i don't really know what that means, but mister damien and lady jami do a number of different things to me for it. first, when i get really dirty they throw me in this large tub and splash water all over me. then they cover me in this smelly goo and then wash it off, it smells so girly! after that they attack me with a couple of large pieces of cloth called towels. mister damien also has to pour this tingly water in my ears sometimes for this hygiene, as well as cut my nails. this week i went to the groomer for the first time, i guess they are considered professionals with the hygiene... they did all of the things mister damien and jami do, but they did them faster and better. when daddy came to pick me up i was wearing a bandana around my neck, it was so embarassing!

click here for more:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

home schooling

every morning mister damien wakes up with me and he says we are going 'outside'. we run out the door and into the magic room that makes my legs wobbly, the door closes automatically and then when it opens we are in a new place! then we turn out of the magic room and jump up into a little park where i 'go potty'. i have been learning my way through the building we live in, so i run mister damien through the doors and back to the magic room when we are finished.

i know what is coming next, i love eating breakfast! before daddy feeds me we practice my tricks. i am really good at my 'sit' and i am getting better at 'down'. i get really excited when i hear daddy preparing my food, sometimes i even run into the kitchen and let him know i am hungry. lately we have been playing a game when i eat; mister damien and lady jami will take my food into another room and tell me to 'come', then i run through the house searching for them. it has really helped me learn faster...

after i eat my breakfast i drink some water while daddy and mommy drink their coffee, and then we get to go outside to the big park and play. lady jami always has treats in her pocket, and when we are outside we mix in some learning with playing. 'fetch' is really fun, but i don't quite understand 'give' yet. when mommy or daddy point their palm at me and say 'stay' i know i am not supposed to go anywhere, but i get worried when they move too far away!

when we get back out of the magic room i run down the hallway so fast that my collar pulls on my neck and sometimes i pull so hard that i choke. i am starting to realize that if i stay by mister damien's leg and walk at his pace i don't feel any pressure on my throat. by this time i am really tired and i love to take a nap in my bed while daddy taps on his machine in the den. sometimes mister damien and lady jami both need to leave, and when they do i have to 'a su lugar'. i guess that is spanish for 'go to your place', which means i need to go in my crate for awhile.

even though we work really hard together, it's not all about training... if you would like to see more picture of me training hard and playing harder, check these out!

Monday, December 1, 2008

new friends

today i want to tell everyone about the new friends that i have made. the first other dog i met was riley, she is a schnauzer that lives down the street in playa vista. she is so quick and agile i have a hard time keeping up with her. it was really fun because we are about the same size, but i have been growing so fast that i will doubt that will last very long...

lady jami brought me to work with her and i got to meet my first child! at first i didn't know if little lauren was another puppy or if she was a little person. when she started talking to her mommy lucy it was obvious that she was a little girl. i liked her so much, we were friends right away! lauren kept smiling and hugging me, so i gave her lots of kisses. hopefully lauren and i will get a chance to hang out again soon.

next i met an entire group of new friends when we went down to san clemente for thanksgiving. mister damien brought me to his friend kristy's where i got to play with a giant golden doodle named thatcher, a wise old golden retriever named jenson and a little girl named chloe. we played in the cul de sac for awhile and then thatcher and i went and played in kristy's new house. thatcher and i had a lot of fun, but after awhile i think he was more interested with his blue rubber ball than me. much to my suprise he jumped into daddy's car when we were leaving and tried to come home with us!
later that night i finally got to meet lola, she belongs to mister damien's friends grace and mar. lola was really energetic but it was so late and i had such a long day that all i wanted to do was nap. i was really bummed about that because she was the first dog i ever smelled! it seems she spent the night at my home a couple of weeks before i came to live here, i knew i recognized her right away! mommy and daddy said they would take me out to meet with lola and her parents soon. i cannot wait!
my most recent friend is an apricot labradoodle that is called kingston. mister damien recognized him while i was playing in the park in front of the house so kingston's mom brought him over. he was so gentle with me, we had a blast rolling around in the grass! lady jami got back from running errands while we were playing and she was so excited she ran out of the car with a camera to take pictures... i can't wait to grow up so that i am big like kingston, then i will be more of a match!
come look at more pictures of my new friends!